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Today the new transfer process officially begins!
With the patch that has gone live this morning, we have made transfers available to players moving between the following worlds. We will be starting with opening the remaining EU world transfers this morning and then will move to remaining US worlds this afternoon.
EU: Laurelin, Gwaihir, Sirannon, Evernight, Belegaer
US: Brandywine (off world only), Gladden, Landroval, Crickhollow, Arkenstone
Transfers between these worlds will be free until October 1st. Transfers to Brandywine are currently not available, but we do intend to make them available in the coming months.
We will be opening transfers off of the closing worlds starting in the next few weeks based off the performance of this initial set.
For details and FAQ regarding the new transfer process and world closures, please see the following article: https://www.lotro.com/en/game/articles/world-transfers
Thank you,
Athena “Vyvyanne” Peters
Executive Producer”