End of server Event

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    • #1768

      Hello kinnies,

      The Rangers of the Black Watch have taken the initiative to organize an end-of-server day (likely to be on Sunday December 13th but might change depending on the date the server opens for transfer). There will be multiple events sponsored by the alliance. You can look at a draft of the program there: http://tinyurl.com/MeneldorEvents

      The Eagles will host a race between Forochel and Bree as an opening event. We will need volunteers to help monitor the race. If we have enough volunteers, we could open it server wide.

      Please let us know in comments or through in-game mail if you’re ok to help.

    • #1770

      What a great idea. I’ll help with monitoring the Eagles’ race, and participate in anything that happens before it gets to bedtime for GMT-dwellers.
      Meneldor is dead!
      Long live Arkenstone!

    • #1772

      Ned told me about this a few days ago. Excited. If it’s Sunday, December the 13th, I’ll be able to make it for at least part of it.


    • #1786

      The transfers open on December 8th, so the end-of-server events are now on December 6th!

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