Welcome to the Eagles of Thorondor › Private: Eagles of Thorondor forums › Elections to the Council › Campaign starts today! › Reply To: Campaign starts today!

Hello! I’m running for Council officer, after completing a term as in-game officer. We are part of an extraordinary kinship, and the only one that is democratically run (as far as I know). Collectively, we determine the values of our kinship as well as how we embody those values.
As I’ve become more involved in the “behind the scenes” operations of the kinship, I find myself thinking about various pathways we could take forward. At times, I’ve talked with a few kinnies about some ideas in kin chat. But I find myself wishing for a mechanism to find out what all kinnies think about Eagles and the future of the kinship. Creating that mechanism is a major priority for me if I join the Council.
Once we gather the concerns, ideas, and wishes of the kinship, we can start to move Eagles towards our desired future. Do we want to recruit more members, especially at lower levels, so we continue to support people on their journeys through Middle Earth? Would some kinnies like to develop their ability to lead instances by studying the mechanics of instances and practicing together? On the flip side, what can we do to keep the fun in playing this game?
Another priority for me would be to work with our webmaster to fine tune our excellent website. For example, there is a lot of useful information posted in our forums, such as Mirveth’s guides to legendary items. But it’s not easy to find! I’d like to create a way to round up such information so kinnies can easily find and benefit from all the advice and knowledge shared in the forum.
I hope you’ll exercise your vote in our kinship democracy, and that you’ll vote for me if what I’ve said sounds good to you!
Fly high, Eagles!