Reply To: 2017 Jan Elections! Step 3: Campaign Season is Here!


In response to Aglar’s tough questions:
1. If you had to choose one organizational/administrative thing about the kinship to change or eliminate, which would you choose? I know some of you have already mentioned a bit, and some of you may not be familiar enough with the organizational aspect to feel comfortable answering, but feel free to throw out new ideas as well.

I’m inclined to agree with most people on this one and would like to see more officers and more officers in different time zones.

2. Quick! You have to plan an event for the this weekend. What’s your go-to event? Give me details! What’s the specific event? Do you need to recruit other officers to help plan or execute? Is it limited to a specific number of people?

I’m terrible…as I don’t mind what we run. I do love the rift and Ost Dunhoth! I also really love social events like swimming competitions, chicken runs, freeze tag and Taking Neem hobbit to Isengard-hilarious times! I also don’t mind having a go at end game content- but be gentle with me :) I tend to be given lead in the Moors, but that’s a bit of a standing joke between friends as none of us want to lead- small groups preferred.

3. Which of you wants to take over the kinchest system? I’ve got some documents to send you… ;)

Errm, I have 12 toons mostly for storage, so it’s probably not a good idea for me to take it on :)