Reply To: Four-legged Friends – Post your pics and stories!

Welcome to the Eagles of Thorondor Eagles of Thorondor forums Off-topic Four-legged Friends – Post your pics and stories! Reply To: Four-legged Friends – Post your pics and stories!


Introducing today my two favourite pets: Pueppie and Rabea, the fearsome sisters! :-D

Pueppie, the elder one, is now 6 years old. She came to live with us when she was only 3 months old. I was surfing the internet and fell instantly in love with this cute kitten with the big paws playing with a red ball. We then actually spent a lot of money on my “discovery”, as Pueppie turned out to be a cat with a pedigree. Being an alpha girl she’s also a cat with an attitude, she’s easily stressed (especially by her younger sister), she’s very intelligent and if she feels like it she plays the “goalkeeper” or brings back to us what we throw for her (much like a dog). She is the one with the muscles and would, for sure, impress any and every orc.

Her little sister Rabea (and indeed from the same parents) is the “sun” and “light” of our home. :-) She’s 5 years old, slender and playful and always has a very relaxed attitude. She’s also a fantastic jumper, no bookshelf is too high for her (and we have lots of bookshelves in our house). Rabea loves to be cuddled and to play and if we “forget” she reminds us that it’s time for it. She’s the one who also likes to jump to the keyboard and turn the image on the screen upside down or makes one letter fill the entire screen. Rabea always “finds” the weirdest shortcuts that I didn’t even know existed! :-D

For sure, with these two animal companions I’m up to oppose anyone and anything! ;-)