The Rangers of the Night Watch organized a Roving Threat run on Saturday. Guivien, Sansaela and I joined them for the Eagles, and there were people from Tenacity Folk and Rare Breed, and maybe a few other… We ended up 24 ! Let just say that the so-called threat weren’t much of a challenge for such a group. I still managed to die twice :(.
We started in Forochel, then made our way to Angmar, and finally the Misty Mountains. Here are a few screenshots.
I’ll definitely be there. What I’m a bit worried about is how we’re going to find them on the day.
Ned knew exactly where they were and led us directly to them. It might be useful to do a bit of reconnoitre beforehand.
Also, why not extend to Central Gondor if enough people are willing ?
The Eagles organized a Western Gondor roving threats this evening. We were joined by many allies. Once again a big raid of 24. Here is the group photo taken at the end.