We’re a kinship on the Arkenstone* server of Lord of the Rings Online.
We’re an easy-going and open group of people who enjoy making new friends in-game. We are diverse in our in-game interests. Some of us love to focus on the storyline of the epic quests while others have dived deep into crafting. Some of us prefer to take a slow, meandering journey from the intro to the end game, others are eager to reach level-cap as soon as possible. Some of us are dedicated to improving our group skills, others prefer to take on solo challenges.
Though we each enjoy LOTRO in our own way, we are held together by our respect and support for one another. Our group activities and kin events reflect this – they cater to all our member levels and provide our members with opportunities to progress in many different game dimensions.
We are not going to pressure any member to reach a certain level or focus on a particular aspect of the game. Our support of each other is never coerced – we are free to help each other when and how we choose. If you want help with leveling your character quickly, you’ll get a boost from time to time from a kin member, but we never pressure members to power level other members.
We hold frequent events within the kinship and have alliances with other kinships. We organize instances, deed runs and social events both planned and spontaneous. We generally will only run up to T1 of current raids, but have contacts with other more progressive kins that we can help members contact, if they want more. If you’d like to run a one-off event, like a class-specific training session, or lead a regular event, please feel free to do so! An officer can help you post the event announcement on our Discord server.
If you’re a casual gamer, mostly want to swap cosmetics or need help with crafting we’re sure you’ll find someone with similar interests within the kin.
If you want to find out if we’re the right fit for you, review our Code of Conduct. You can join our kinship with your main character or an alt. Learn how to contact our officers: here.
We came about thanks to the Coursera Online Games: New Media, Literature and Narrative course in 2013.
* The Eagles of Thorondor started out on Meneldor. We moved to Arkenstone in the World Consolidation Event of 2015. And in 2025, we will be migrating to the new 64-bit server, Glamdring.