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I guess it’s my turn?
Well, what do I say? Hmm…much like Kali, I’m a bit of a talker. Unlike Kali, I expect you to read every word of it ;P.
The majority of our kinspeople know what they’re getting when they vote for me. I’m the only one running for this position in the current election, as is often the case. And, I know there have been times in the past where I didn’t run and no one stepped in. Thankfully, the Eagles has a great system in place so that when I, or a future leader, need a break or having something come up IRL, the Council Officers take on the leadership role as a group and share duties. I’m quite proud of the system that we’ve molded over the last several years – it definitely wasn’t me alone – so many individuals who I’ve never met in real life and some who no longer play this game have contributed to molding the Eagles into what we are.
Getting myself back on topic…we have many newer members who may in fact NOT know what they’re getting when they vote for Guivien. And, some of you who haven’t been an officer may not also realize how I am behind the scenes or the amount of work that officers and leader put in to making this kinship run efficiently. I feel like this may be a good opportunity for some of you to see a side of me and the officers not been before.
As leader, I will and am responsible to:
*Motivate + Moderate discussions on kinship affairs within the Council
*Monitor officer portfolio and event creation
*Actively recruit to the Eagles of Thorondor
*Monitor kinship chat for CoC violations
*Organize pre-planned and ad-hoc events for kinspeople of all levels
*Conflict resolution
*Monitor and maintain the TEB alliance
This 6 month term in particular, I’m hoping that the need for website changes and major shifts in Eagles policy will be lessened so that the Council can have a bit of a rest. Having said that, I do plan:
*To request a review of the TEB alliance and see if there is a way we can improve and reinvigorate it. I could really use kinnies help at doing this.
*To make a special recruiting effort to get more members that can fill the 11pm-10am ST time slot so that our members in certain parts of the world can make more friends.
*To review the number of pre-planned events being done and by whom so the Council can make sure that we’re having enough variety and at a good frequency to meet the needs of a large and thriving kinship such as our own.
*Since the Eagles is a kinship that embodies and promotes the “play at your own comfort level and pace”, I’m willing to help coordinate kinmembers in creating their own groups for tasks or events they’d like to see. However, it takes assistance from our fellow kinspeople who can lead, for our members to read my or the Council’s emails and responding to them. I look forward to working with all of you towards the goal of making this kinship !one! of THE most inclusive, diverse, friendly, and helpful kinships on the Arkenstone server.
*And, lastly, not to parrot so many of our officer candidates, but to schedule more social events to meet the demands and interests of our kinnies. And, well, I personally like these myself ;).
This reply was modified 8 years, 9 months ago by
This reply was modified 8 years, 9 months ago by