Reply To: 2017 Jan Elections! Step 3: Campaign Season is Here!


Hagenti here. I started playing LOTRO back in 2012, being my first online gaming experience since I was drawn into playing because I love Middle Earth.

Joined the Eagles in 2013 during the first Coursera Class, but I’ve been mostly a quiet kinnie until last year, when I started joining kin events, and providing help when I can in kinchat.

I have 8 lvl 105 chars, and one low lvl hunter (70ish), and most of the time I’m willing to help kinmates with instances and group quests (no powerlvling tho :P), and I usually try my best to help with questions in kinchat (my native language is Spanish, so apologies in advance for any grammar mistakes).

I definitely would want to see more end game content being run, and in my opinion, we have very skilled kinnies who would be able to beat most t2c content in game, what we are lacking is someone to lead us. Sadly I’m not fit to lead those yet, but count me in if anyone need any help.

What I can offer is to lead low level instances (angmar-moria-lothlorien-isengard 3-6 man) or do Roving Threats runs. Anyways, I’m always willing to help with content kinnies need to run.

I’ve been a bit away from the game this last month because of work, but I should be back in full force next month (february).

It’s good to see so many kinnies participating in this thread, good luck to all :)