Reply To: Elections January 2018: Nominations


I’d like to re-nominate myself for Officer… So far I’ve been able to conduct my first RT run and participated in other runs… I’ve actively sought out new members (none yet) and I on hours at a time… I am not VIP so there are somethings I can not do, but I’m more than willing to help anyone succeed… This past year was a bit hectic for my wife and I as we just bought our first house… Yet, I was able to find time here and there to come in…

I’m still interested in lowbie as I think it will benefit… Just this past week I ran into a fellow gamer that has only been playing for a year… I was unable to recruit cause someone else beat us to it… We really should consider more lowbie runs…

I’m a guy who likes making people laugh… I like having fun for the sake of it… I love talking with my fellow kinnies cause well they’re fun…

I’m ready and willing to help rebuild the Eagles of Thorondor any which way I can… TY
William Rivera (Zar)