2017 Jan Elections! Step 1: Announcement

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  • Author
    • #3683
      Hamesh (Ame)

      Eagles elections are coming! We are a democratically run kinship, so now is your opportunity to contribute. Woo hoo!

      The positions of leader and 10 to 15 officers will be filled via elections. For leader, you need to have been in the Eagles for at least five months and have had experience as an officer in the Eagles or another kinship. For officer, you need to have been in the Eagles for at least three months. And for both types of positions, you need to have energy and enthusiasm!

      Here is the overall schedule for the elections:
      December 20 – January 6: Nominations open
      January 8 – January 18: Campaigning
      January 20 – January 26: Voting
      January 28: Inauguration and Par-tay at the Kinhouse!

      For more information about the jobs of leader and officers, check out the attached document.

      I’ll be sending you kin mails with further details for each of the four upcoming steps in the election process so keep an eye out for them. You’ll also see the election process on our calendar.

      And give some good thought to running for office and to encouraging kinnies to run – Eagles need you!


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