2017 June Election Step 3: Campaigning

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    • #4417

      Hail Eagles and well met!


      The following Eagles have generously offered their time and skills in the following categories:

      Pops [Nokrew, Astolar, etc.]
      Quil [Ertik, Erbie, Ericadan]
      Larksong [Maidofbree, Flydda, Banksia]

      Zoreb [Zareb, Rafah, Timmi]
      Saedhillian [Saedhillaen, Saedhilleth]

      Luringdad [Luring*ad]

      (There may be some last minute updates to this list; I’ll confirm as soon as I know.)

      All nominees are encouraged to reply to this post to provide a background on who they are and what they’d like to achieve during the next electoral term.

      Equally, the rest of the Eagles should feel free to ask the candidates anything they’d like to know about.

      Let’s get this campaign started!

    • #4421

      My Dearest HobbitsEagles!

      I am standing for leader for another term.

      While I think we achieved a lot in the last term (thanks to an excellent if small group of officers):
      – we ran 24 events!
      – had regular communication (newsletter)
      – gave everyone a unicorn warsteed

      I feel that my work isn’t finished, there’s still lots to do.

      Okay time for some real talk…

      The kinship is losing its vitality. We’ve all but lost our old alliances. So we have to rely on one another to keep things going.

      We have moved from a kinship whose common ground was Coursera, to being a lifeboat for those who have sadly seen their own kinship fold.

      Some of our kinnies have had to seek regular events through alts on other kinships.

      Regular events are a bit of a vicious circle, people want regular events which they don’t attend and then leave the kinship because there are no regular events. I should also add it ends up disappointing those who have organised the events and makes them less likely to run any in future.

      I do not begrudge those who have sought more active kinships; we play LotRO as a form of escape and entertainment. Some of us enjoy the companionship, others enjoy mastering the mechanics of the game.

      So, as your Leader. I now send red arrows to all of the kinnies. The Eagles need your aid. Help us to bring life into our kinship.

      I’m sorry if I’ve laid it on thick, but the successive officers and leaders have seen this steady decline in our vitality. I’m sure you have all seen this too. Let’s turn it around!

      Your faithful servant,


    • #4426

      Hello Eagles and candidates! A few questions to ponder, if you don’t mind. ;)

      1. How would you like to see our kinship grow and change over the next year? What steps do you recommend to get us there?

      2. What is one thing you personally would want to add, remove, or change in the code of conduct?

      3. What is your favorite type of kinship event/activity? Why?

      4. What should I, average kinnie, expect from your reign?

    • #4433

      Good Day Eagles;
      I’d like to elect myself for OFFICER.. I’ve been playing LOTRO for about 7 years in total… I played for 2 years than stopped… Started playing again about 5 years ago.. A little background on myself.. I used to be an OFFICER with BoL (Bringers if Light).. And I’ve found that I miss the pleasure of being a help to someone… My wife and I just celebrated 5 years of marriage in April.. We just bought our first home in May of this year.. I work from home doing IT work, so I can be online alot… I’d like to get RAIDS going in our KIN for LOWBIES.. I hope you’ll consider me for a position of OFFICER.. TY =]
      (Zareb, Zoreb, Rafah, Timmi, Wartime, Macthol, Adranis)
      Z (This is what everyone used to call me)…

      • #4448

        Answering Aglar’s questions:

        > 1. How would you like to see our kinship grow and change over the next year? What steps do you recommend to get us there?

        I am taking a long view that it’s going to be tougher each year to recruit. The best we can do is to be there when people start playing in Bree. And also be around as they progress onto Moria and Gondor.

        > 2. What is one thing you personally would want to add, remove, or change in the code of conduct?

        Nothing, it has helped us to filter out people who would not be a good fit. It’s something I’m very proud of.

        > 3. What is your favorite type of kinship event/activity? Why?

        Questing and chatting with our kinnies. I miss our social events, but I will continue to run the random Tough Chicks and TTHTI events. Watch this space! ;)

        > 4. What should I, average kinnie, expect from your reign?

        An IRON FIST! loljk, no seriously real talk time. I’m a hands off leader, I don’t want to be overbearing. I consider the leadership role as a stewardship, I will continue to shepherd our kinnies, but more importantly I will keep the flame of what we once were alive.

        The Eagles may wane, but our history will never fade.

        Well, not while we still pay the hosting bills!

        Sorry I couldn’t end on such a sad note, I had to add a little humour ;)

        • This reply was modified 7 years, 6 months ago by luringdad jenkyns. Reason: typos gonna type
    • #4435

      Hail Eagles and well met!

      I’m Saed and I’m standing for officer.

      I’ve been an officer in the Eagles for most of the past 4 years. I run this here website and forum and I’ve helped shape the guidelines, code of conduct and ethos of the Eagles. I think I know the kinship pretty well.

      Over the past couple of years it’s become clear that we have fewer active players these days. My main concern is to increase the number of players online at any one time. I think there are two ways to achieve this:
      – recruit more players
      – have events which people will want to join in

      We’ve tried both of those things in the past year (or longer) and we’ve not been all that successful. People don’t turn up to events that are scheduled and in the calendar. And given that this is a fairly old game, there are not that many new players for us to recruit.

      I don’t have an easy answer, but I think we should be trying to tackle the deficit of active players in order to keep the kinship lively and healthy. We should continue our LFF events (like mine and Luri’s Trawling the Trollshaws) and continue to run both scheduled and ad hoc events.

      To answer Aglar’s questions:

      1. I think I’ve covered that one!
      2. I like our CoC. I think we should soften our stance on swearing, as there’s a profanity filter available to anyone who might be offended, but that’s a minor thing.
      3. I’ve been enjoying “guided” raids. We’ve done a lot of featured instances with someone who knows the instance really well and can help the rest of us learn where to stand, what to do, what not to do, etc. More of this please!
      4. An immaculate website ;)


    • #4437

      Thanks to all candidates for standing in the election!
      I have not been around as much in the past months (hum…. it is closer to a year actually, )-: ) due to life circumstances, but I miss you all.
      I share Luri and Saed views on what’s going on, and the need to boost numbers. Like Saed, I don’t think there is a magical solution. There is a natural attrition and rapid turn-over, which, if not compensated, mean that our number will continue to dwindle quickly.
      So, my question for the candidates is: what would be your strategy to recruit new people in the kin?

      • #4455

        Answering Mirveth’s question:

        > So, my question for the candidates is: what would be your strategy to recruit new people in the kin?

        In addition to recruitment drives in Bree, Moria and Gondor.

        I think running a few ad hoc events like Roving Threats, Treasure Caches and; Floid and Dewitt might help raise our profile.

        So if there’s any kindly Cappys or Hunters who can help make this happen please get in touch with me!

    • #4439

      In reguards to Mirveth question; Lowbie Raids… Send out a World Message that we will be conducting Lowbie Raids… There are people out there not happy with there current KIN because of little to no interest in run Lowbie Raids and Lowbie Quests.. I believe we need to stop being so interested in getting to the next level so quickly and enjoy the game more…

    • #4441

      To answer Mirv’s question:
      I think we should step up our LFF events. These were advertised on the Regional channel. I think we need more people doing them, in different areas of Middle Earth. Luri and I will plan to do a few at different levels.

      The Eagles, once upon a time, grew organically by having solo players join us on a tricky quest. I’d like to encourage that by having groups of Eagles playing together where the quests are tough to do on your own.

      To respond to Z’s suggestion of putting events out on World: the Eagles have always avoided the World channel. We’ve consistently voted against advertising the kinship on World, and I think we’d need to have some guidelines before using World to invite other players to our events. I wouldn’t want our own members to feel uncomfortable should an event have more strangers than Eagles, for instance, and I certainly wouldn’t want to hear of trash talk in the World channel. I’m not saying I’m against it on principle, though, I’m saying it needs thinking through, that’s all.

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