Attn Previous Coursera Students


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    • #2981

      Hello all,

      I received an email from Coursera this morning letting me know that they will be removing the old courses soon. I presume everyone else got the same but I thought I had better post in here anyway – just in case!

      The gist is that they have upgraded their platform and will be removing the old one at the end of the month. They are encouraging everyone to download any lectures (slides, videos) from the course and take screenshots of your quizzes etc – anything you want to keep for your records. Conscientious people might have done that already – me, however… :]

      Certificates and Statements of Accomplishment earned will still be accessible from your profile so long as you dont actually unenroll from the course. LinkedIn shares will also stay in tact.

      If anyone wants the full text of the email then let me know in-game and I can forward it to you.

      – Kali

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