Welcome to the Eagles of Thorondor › Private: Eagles of Thorondor forums › Elections to the Council › Elections, January 2016
- This topic has 5 replies, 2 voices, and was last updated 9 years, 2 months ago by
December 22, 2015 at 12:57 am #1882
ParticipantHi Kinnies!
As you may be aware, it’s getting to be that time of year again…elections are almost upon us! Some important information and dates are below. Apologies for the wall of text, but lots to announce here.Important Dates:
Dec 21 – Jan 10: Nominations! Kinnies may self-nominate or 2 other Eagles can nominate, at which time the nominee can choose if they would like to accept the nomination. To nominate yourself or another kinnie, check to see if you qualify (details below) and send an in-game mail to the leader or an email to officers@eaglesofthorondor.com.Jan 11 – Jan 21: Campaigning! Candidates will communicate their ideas and vision for the kinship using the forums or kinmail (sent by current council officers). Candidates will also answer questions from kinnies using tells or in-game mail.
Jan 23 – Jan 29: Voting! Voting will take place in the forums as usual. In order to vote, you must be registered to the forums. If you’re uncomfortable using your real email, you can use a disposable address (try https://mailinator.com/).
Jan 31: Inauguration Day! Come celebrate at the party kinhouse (2 Chalk, Falgo’s Delf, Shire Homestead) and welcome your new officers.
The Details:
The overall goal for officers is…
Embody our ethos: Help others. Be kind. We’re a team!
Help to establish and encourage a positive, fun, and supportive culture among our membership.Types of officers: In-game officer, Council officer, Leader
In-game officer
In-game Officers are responsible for in-game mentoring, running a kinship event once a month, monitoring the kinship chat channel for CoC violations (https://www.eaglesofthorondor.com/about/#FAQ), passive recruiting and reporting to a Council officer.
In-game officers are encouraged, but not required, to join committees, but are not eligible to lead them.
Having been active in the kinship for 3 months.
Minimum in-game requirement is 6 hours/week.
Spend at least 51% of in-game time with Eagles characters.
Be clear of recent Code of Conduct violations (check with one of the Council officers).
Having audio is strongly recommended during fellowships, instances, raids, and skirmishes.
Must inform fellow council members of absences longer than a week.Council officer
Council officers are members of the Eagles Council, and are expected to organize kinship events (2 events a month), actively recruit and mentor new members, update message of the day, deal with CoC violations, rotate leadership responsibilities with other Council officers in the absence of leader(s), and regularly update kinship documents and forums.
They also need to be active outside of the game to lead and respond to council matters in a timely manner.
Leader of 1 (or maximum 2) committees: coordinate the work of the committee, initiate discussions, gather opinions and ideas, moderate discussions, find a consensus and draft a proposal to be submitted to the leader. They are then responsible for the execution of the proposal.
Participate in a minimum of 2 committees (including the one they lead): give ideas, opinions, feedback on committee topics. Vote on the draft proposal. Participate in the realization of the proposal.
Have been active in the kinship for 3 months.
Spend at least 51% of in-game time with Eagles characters.
Minimum in-game requirement is 6 hours/week.
Be clear of Code of Conduct violations (check with one of the co-leaders to confirm)
Must be able to turn audio on during fellowships, instances, raids, and skirmishes (listening and speaking)
Must have or be willing to create a gmail account for their character.
Must inform fellow council members of absences longer than a week.Leader/Co-Leader
On top of all responsibilities listed above, the leader/co-leader is/are responsible for coordinating the council and liaising with leaders of other allied kinships.
The duties also include:
Make all promotions and demotions within kinship in accordance with our promotion/demotion policies
Maintain the kinship house permissions
Conflict Management and Mediation, if necessary
Keep their fellow rotational leader informed of kinship issues in a timely manner
Active in the kinship for 5 months.
Spend at least 51% of in-game time with Eagles characters.
Minimum in-game requirement is 8 hours/week.
Must have been a previous officer.
Be clear of Code of Conduct violations (check with one of the current co-leaders).
Must be able to turn audio on during fellowships, instances, raids, and skirmishes (listening and speaking)
Must inform fellow council members of absences longer than a week. -
January 4, 2016 at 10:48 pm #1958
ParticipantConfirmed nominations so far (January 9th):
In-game officers:
Pops (Nokrew)
SliverwingCouncil officers:
Guivien -
January 4, 2016 at 10:53 pm #1959
ParticipantYet to-be-confirmed nominations so far (January 4th):
(nominees have been nominated once only or haven’t accepted their nomination yet)– all current officers
– Sliverwing -
January 14, 2016 at 12:22 am #1997
January 14, 2016 at 2:56 am #1998
ParticipantUseful precision:
there are 5 positions as Council officers (including the leader one), and 5 positions as In-game officers. -
January 15, 2016 at 12:33 am #2004
ParticipantSliver has now accepted his nomination!
(he couldn’t log in during the last few days because of all the server problems)
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