New Kinmember Addresses on Arkenstone

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    • #1839

      Hey guys,

      I thought it might be nice for us to note our new addresses on Arkenstone in case we’d like visitors.

      My new address is 5 Brookbank Street, Falgo’s Delf, Shire Homesteads.


    • #1842

      I hope there’s still spaces when I get there!

    • #1843

      Mine is 2 Twinfall Path, Sirith-e-Thil in Falathorn. My chest is still open to all kinnies for cosmetics. We hope to repatriate it in Falgo’s delf for easy access.

    • #1846
      Hamesh (Ame)

      My House is 5 Myrtle Court, to the right of the kin house, next to the waterfall. Mammoth tusks make it easy to find! The chest will eventually have kin supplies in it.

      If you visit, be sure to bring treats for my cat!

    • #1848

      My new home is at 3 Wending Way, Falgo’s Delf, Shire Homesteads.

      • #1885

        It’s nice to see Nida, Cay, and Eleni post on here. I hope all of you are well! :P

        Below is a photo that Ame and I took outside of her new home about a week ago. Enjoy :)


      • #1896
        Hamesh (Ame)

        Nice, Gui! But the fountain is no longer there – a couple of mammoth tusks took its place. Maybe the tusks will help people find my house (next to the waterfall). I think it will be housing crafting mats for the kin.

    • #1849

      My new home is 1 Twinfall path in Glinil, Falathorn.

      It’s nice to have a change of home. I was in the Shire before and had numbers 1 and 2 Pleasant street, great for hoping over the fence to the bank, supplier etc. When I arrived in Arkenstone I couldn’t find a deluxe and normal together and so went to look elsewhere. These elvish houses are really lovely and appear to be very large inside. I now have an upstairs bedroom. The house is just above the vendor and the bank and across the bridge from my alt’s regular home at number 3.

      Feel free to visit at any time. I have some crafting facilities, a workbench and a scholars desk and a supplier horn. My home is open to all kin members.

      We should have a new house warming party for everyone – we all have new homes now.

    • #1851

      Siggie has settled in the Thorin’s homestead at 1 Roaring Hill Road in Tungolborg. My house is open to all kin members. Please wipe your feet of Orc blood and guts before entering.

    • #1872

      My new home is 3 Wending Way, Harwood, Shire Homesteads. House is open to all kin members. :)

    • #1879

      Aglaralyn is at 6 Chalk Street. Not well decorated, but it does have kin storage. Aglarya is at 2 Pleasant and also has kin storage (also not well decorated…I’ll have to work on that).

    • #1880

      Mine is 1 Wending Way at Cotstream, Shire Homesteads. Great view from the yard :)

    • #2537

      My home is located at
      4 Twinfall Path Dor-i-Meredir Neighborhood. Falathlorn Homesteads. My home is open to all kinnies to see. Its a work in process still :) All are welcome to feast at my table out in my yard by my well :)

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