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    • #9170

      We are about six weeks away from our next election cycle, so I would like to encourage members to consider serving as an officer for a term.

      If you think you can help us for a term of (only) six months, it’s a great way to give back to the kinship we love. And yes, it’s best to think of an officer post as a service position, not a status post.

      If you are interested, please contact me, or your favorite officer, and ask for more information. Asking doesn’t commit you to running, and we will give you answers on what it is really like to be an Eagles officer, e.g. how much time will it take (spoiler alert: not all that much), what is expected, what do officers actually DO, and so on.

      We run best with a Leader, three Council officers and three Officers, so please consider stepping up and throwing your hat in the ring. It’s a fun team to be on, with plenty of group hugs and support from your fellow officers.

      You can visit our Elections thread to read details on the various positions at the following link. There is no level requirement. There is no expertise requirement. We need event leaders, social planners and storage managers, and more.

      Details can be found here (subject to update at time of each election):

      Elections January 2021

    • #9258

      Hi all,

      Just wanted to make a suggestion of increasing the number of officers by one or two. I’ve noticed with the increase in membership, the roster is usually over 8 members with no officers on. Today we had two members wishing there was an officer on for recruiting alts.

      I would not be good for the job because of my constant afks(wife and I are getting older, and we help each other around the house), but there are plenty who would be perfect.

      Anyways, just wanted to throw that out.


    • #9260

      We had room for more officers this term, but not enough applicants.

      We heartily encourage everyone to consider serving next term so we can have more officers available. We need a few more people to volunteer a bit of time for a period of six months (Aug thru Jan). If we can meet our full complement, it will make it an easier job for the whole team!

      Nominations will start at the beginning of July.

      • This reply was modified 3 years, 7 months ago by Seremond.
    • #9277

      I’d love to be able to do administrative things like inviting alts, but for hosting events and runs, my wife comes first, and it involves me leaving the comp all the time.

    • #9328

      Thanks for the offer, Sly! Without being able to run events, you don’t meet our officer requirements, but we’d love to have you helping out with other admin-type tasks! I’ll chat with you in-game to see what we can arrange.

      Also, I must clarify that we do not have a 3-officer limit. We would love to have more than three officers, so we need more folks to step up and take a 6-month term. I’m looking forward to seeing who we will have running for officer in the election kicking off now!

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